City of Jonesboro
Recent News About City of Jonesboro
CITY OF JONESBORO: Mayor Visits with Baltz Family
Mayor presented Allan Baltz with a creativity coin and his sister Alice with a leadership coin
CITY OF JONESBORO: Sanitation Route Update
Sanitation will not run during unsafe road conditions.
CITY OF JONESBORO: Public Survey for CDBG Consolidated Plan
Short survey for the CDBG Consolidated Plan
CITY OF JONESBORO: Public Survey for Craighead ATV Trails
The City of Jonesboro Community Development and Grants Department
CITY OF JONESBORO: Union Street Park Groundbreaking Ceremony
Chamber of Commerce held a groundbreaking ceremony
CITY OF JONESBORO: City Councilmen Recognized for Their Years of Service
Received service pins
CITY OF JONESBORO: January Employee of the Month
Recipient of the January "Salute to the City" award
CITY OF JONESBORO: Sanitation Update for January 4, 2022
January 4, 2022 Sanitation Update
CITY OF JONESBORO: Miss NEA: Helping Other People Everyday
Miss Northeast Arkansas Sophie Puckett
CITY OF JONESBORO: Appreciation Lunch
Mayor Copenhaver and Centennial Bank provided an appreciation
CITY OF JONESBORO: Holiday & New Year Sanitation Schedule
Our offices will be closed for the holidays
CITY OF JONESBORO: Caroling with Pathfinder, Inc.
sing Christmas Carols
CITY OF JONESBORO: ArDOT Connection Improvement Public Input Meeting
Public involvement meeting
CITY OF JONESBORO: ArDOT Public Input Meeting
(ARDOT) will hold a public involvement meeting in Jonesboro
CITY OF JONESBORO: Mayor and Police Chief Hold Press Conference on Gun-Related Crimes
Jonesboro Mayor Harold Copenhaver and Police Chief Rick Elliott said recent gun-related crimes in the city have been related and do not represent random crime.
CITY OF JONESBORO: Mayor Congratulates Officer of the Month
Officer of the Month