City of Jonesboro
Recent News About City of Jonesboro
CITY OF JONESBORO: Jonesboro Winter Wonderland to be held Dec. 2, 2022
Winter Wonderland is an indoor Christmas themed walk through entertainment venue.
CITY OF JONESBORO: New Exercise Equipment at City Water and Light Park
Two pieces of exercise equipment were installed
CITY OF JONESBORO: Breaking Bonds Ministries Provides Services to City
Breaking Bonds Ministries provides services to the City whenever possible.
CITY OF JONESBORO: Veterans Day Parade Held in Downtown Jonesboro
It was a great morning for the annual Veterans Day Parade in Downtown Jonesboro as we honored those who have served our country.
CITY OF JONESBORO: Support for breast cancer patients and survivors
October is almost over, but there is still time to get a pink trash container to show your support for breast cancer patients and survivors.
CITY OF JONESBORO: Early Voting begins October 24
October 24, 2022 will begin early voting in Jonesboro.
CITY OF JONESBORO: Jonesboro Police Department Trunk or Treat to be held Oct. 25
We are dying for the JPD Trunk or Treat Event on October 25 from 5-7pm.
Ord. no. 3179 Sec. 10-10 – Limitations and restrictions on keeping domestic animals and/or fowl
CITY OF JONESBORO: Proclamation Made for National Patriot Day
Mayor Copenhaver made a proclamation this morning for National Patriot Day
CITY OF JONESBORO: New Turning Lane and Sidewalk at Gee and Washington Intersection
New turning lane and sidewalk
CITY OF JONESBORO: Mayor Welcomes Arkansas Realtors
Mayor Copenhaver along with Paragould Mayor Josh Agee helped kick off the Arkansas Realtors Association 98th Annual Convention and Tradeshow
CITY OF JONESBORO: NEA Baptist Shows Appreciation to First Responders
NEA Baptist held an appreciation breakfast
CITY OF JONESBORO: Paint the Town Red
City staff was in full force showing their A-State spirit
CITY OF JONESBORO: Special Called Public Services Committee Meeting On August 30, 2022 at 5:30 Pm
Public Services Committee Meeting Scheduled
CITY OF JONESBORO: 2022 School Year
School Year 2022
CITY OF JONESBORO: Street Department Gets New Mower
First day on the job for the Street Department's new excavator
CITY OF JONESBORO: Code Enforcement Tackles Blight with Condemned Property Demolition
Code Enforcement has been pushing to ensure unstable structures are removed and properties cleaned up
CITY OF JONESBORO: Code Ord.13:053 Sec. 30-5.(A)
CODE I.Q. Alert
CITY OF JONESBORO: Bookmobile Route until Aug 17
The bookmobile is coming to a park near you starting TODAY!!