Arkansas Judiciary John Dan Kemp Chief Justice Position 1 |
Arkansas Judiciary John Dan Kemp Chief Justice Position 1 |
In total, there were 85 active legal licenses recorded in the county at the time, compared to 89 in the previous month.
The highest number of licenses were granted in Jonesboro (81).
Lawyers in good standing do not have any complaints or disciplinary actions being taken against them.
Arkansas has one of the fewest lawyers per capita in the country, with an average of 2.2 legal professionals for every 1,000 residents or almost half the national ratio of 4 per 1000.
As of June 2024, the average salary for a lawyer in the state is around $93,406 per year, which is below the national average.
The United States has around 1.3 million attorneys, with the lawyer population projected to grow by 8% between 2022 and 2032.
Data refers to all lawyers who were actively practicing during this period.
Lawyer Name | Bar Number | Date of Admission |
Adam L. Bodeker | 2011247 | 09/19/2011 |
Alexandra Constantina Kosmitis | 2013236 | 09/20/2013 |
Alison Dawn Berger | 2025004 | 01/07/2025 |
Andrew Michael Nadzam | 2016155 | 09/09/2016 |
Ann Marie Drummond | 99095 | 08/31/1999 |
Barry Joseph Lafarlette | 90026 | 03/28/1990 |
Bill Wayne Bristow | 75009 | 08/29/1975 |
Bradley Clayton Heringer | 2010055 | 04/09/2010 |
Brett Mitchell Waldrip | 2018100 | 09/04/2018 |
Carla Rogers Nadzam | 87123 | 08/31/1987 |
Carrie Jean Russom Quraishi | 2018064 | 04/23/2018 |
Charles C. Cottam | 2015045 | 04/09/2015 |
Charles Davis Frierson | 58009 | 04/14/1958 |
Chesley David Dunlap | 83056 | 09/07/1983 |
Christine V. Lamkin | 99124 | 09/03/1999 |
Christopher Aaron Averitt | 98123 | 08/26/1998 |
Christopher Robert Thyer | 95239 | 09/07/1995 |
Corey L. Seats | 99091 | 08/31/1999 |
David Christopher Gardner | 94140 | 08/25/1994 |
David Walton Cahoon | 76016 | 08/25/1976 |
Dennis Murray Zolper | 74158 | 09/06/1974 |
Donn H. Mixon | 76079 | 03/16/1976 |
Douglas Wayne Brimhall | 2010139 | 09/08/2010 |
Drew M. Milner | 2014195 | 09/15/2014 |
Dustin Robert Darst | 2008141 | 09/09/2008 |
Eleanor Henry Howell | 2024217 | 09/13/2024 |
Garland L. Watlington | 95223 | 09/05/1995 |
George Michael Deloache | 90210 | 09/06/1990 |
Glenn Lovett | 78099 | 08/25/1978 |
Grant Christopher Deprow | 97167 | 09/02/1997 |
Hugh Clarke Mixon | 90108 | 08/24/1990 |
Hunter Jackson Hanshaw | 89157 | 08/24/1989 |
Jace Edwin Motley | 2023266 | 09/22/2023 |
James Rogers McNeil | 93151 | 08/31/1993 |
Jane Burleson Gaskill | 88076 | 08/25/1988 |
Jared Sean Woodard | 2004148 | 09/15/2004 |
Jason Thomas Auer | 2011304 | 12/07/2011 |
Jeffrey W. Puryear | 93109 | 08/26/1993 |
Jerrod L. Slayton | 2013089 | 04/24/2013 |
Jerrold John Scholtens | 97132 | 08/28/1997 |
Jimmy Dale Gazaway | 2006265 | 09/21/2006 |
Jimmylee Joseph Hood | 2023097 | 06/13/2023 |
John Parker Reed | 2024196 | 10/04/2024 |
John Vance Phelps | 74122 | 04/03/1974 |
Johnny Wayne Dunigan | 2003141 | 09/11/2003 |
Jordan Mooney | 2014210 | 09/19/2014 |
Joshua Adam Eason | 2015031 | 04/06/2015 |
Joshua L. Adkerson | 2015154 | 09/10/2015 |
Justin Ellis Parkey | 2008242 | 09/24/2008 |
Katherine Alice McCollum Prescott | 2007290 | 10/05/2007 |
Katherine Elizabeth Calaway | 2017138 | 09/08/2017 |
Katherine Grace Frolick | 2024163 | 09/09/2024 |
Keisha J. Hazelwood | 2012136 | 09/05/2012 |
Keith L. Chrestman | 96098 | 08/26/1996 |
Kirk B. Lonidier | 2015139 | 09/09/2015 |
Laura Susan Avery | 2011209 | 09/12/2011 |
Lindsey Ann Thomson | 2009077 | 05/04/2009 |
Lindsey Elizabeth Lee Moss | 2017033 | 04/06/2017 |
Mariajose Reyes | 2024157 | 09/09/2024 |
Mark Alan Mayfield | 93180 | 09/03/1993 |
Melinda Stringer Warren | 95179 | 08/24/1995 |
Michael Alan Lilly | 97123 | 08/27/1997 |
Michael Earl Mullally | 85202 | 08/29/1985 |
Michael R. Bearden | 77008 | 03/23/1977 |
Michael R. Gott | 76042 | 03/17/1976 |
Pamela Ann Haun | 2001233 | 09/14/2001 |
Paul D. McNeill | 79206 | 08/27/1979 |
Presley Erin Phillips Noel | 2020197 | 09/14/2020 |
Reginald E. Wallin | 64048 | 08/13/1964 |
Richard Andrew Lusby | 78100 | 09/05/1978 |
Robert Scott Troutt | 2010062 | 04/12/2010 |
Rodney L. Chedister | 2002049 | 04/29/2002 |
Sara Malone Gay | 2019222 | 09/19/2019 |
Seth Lynn Casey | 2022049 | 04/07/2022 |
Shallen Anne Carroll Gorman | 2011120 | 06/20/2011 |
Susan Janea-Leigh Spades | 2000114 | 08/30/2000 |
Teri Chastain Modelevsky | 98020 | 03/25/1998 |
Thomas W. Haynes | 2010222 | 09/20/2010 |
Tom D. Womack | 72112 | 08/15/1972 |
Trenton Rigdon | 2015227 | 09/17/2015 |
Tristan Nicole Pickle | 2023069 | 04/24/2023 |
Warren Eugene Dupwe | 69016 | 08/11/1969 |
Will A. Kueter | 2002187 | 09/30/2002 |
William Ray Nickle | 86135 | 09/02/1986 |
Zachary W. Morrison | 2017116 | 09/06/2017 |