Congressman Eric A. "Rick" Crawford | Congressman Eric A. "Rick" Crawford website
Congressman Eric A. "Rick" Crawford | Congressman Eric A. "Rick" Crawford website
WASHINGTON—With Saturday being declared “Earth Day” by many elected officials and environmental interest groups, Representative Rick Crawford (AR-01) issued the following statement:
“Earth Day is a nice concept, but in practice it typically turns into an annual bashing of humans as spoiling the planet, with bigger government, higher taxes, and less freedom for Americans being the alleged solutions. But the inconvenient truth ignored by those who clamor loudest on Earth Day is that the Communist Party that rules China is the biggest environmental danger on the planet.
So-called “green” corporate titans and Wall Street financiers talk about their love of the planet as they have outsourced American manufacturing to China, a low-wage dictatorship with lax environmental standards, fueled by the very coal that the Left vilifies. By all means let’s celebrate Earth Day, but let’s do it by committing to real change: reducing our reliance on communist China’s pollution-rich manufacturing, while rebuilding our domestic manufacturing base.”
Original source can be found here.